Today Was Boring

So as I said in my last blog, Alyssa came over. We basically hung out in my room watching hilarious videos on youtube which consisted of people with abnormally stretchy mouths putting cans in their mouths. I know it sounds weird but they were so funny. I also introduced the idea of a band to her and she thought it sounded good. Now I have to ask Will about it and see if we could all get together one day. It could work.

So other than trying to obtain musical talent I basically had a really boring day. I went to church and then we picked up Alyssa. I guess church was interesting. Being a catholic is kinda demanding. I'm not very religious and I'm at an age where I'm starting to question all the ideas and thoughts about God. I guess when you're a little kid, you believe everything everyone tells you so I'm starting to have my own thoughts about religion. My mother is a die hard catholic so she isn't very happy that I'm questioning God, but really, there is no "right" religion.

Other than that the whole situation with the friend hasn't changed much. Alyssa talked to me about it and it kinda helped. We also played piano and she tried playing guitar. Whats weird is that she had no idea what she was doing and it actually didn't sound half bad. I taught her how to play Viva La Vida by Coldplay on piano and she is a much better student than my friend Ben. I tried to teach him and he's still messing up. I think it's because Alyssa actually plays piano so she picked it up quicker.

Tomorrow's Monday so, school again. I'm not sure if I had homework so I'll just use Facebook to ask people.

That was pretty much my Sunday.