I Just Wanna BLOG!

So the motive of this blog is that I am bored. I'm bored like a television at a truck convention. See now, you can't understand that, because, at this point of boredom things that don't make sense to me suddenly do. Therefore, you think I'm crazy when I'm actually bored. Joogily Goop.

I just have nothing else to do, so I felt like saying it. I feel like a twitter-freak. Y'know, the guys who just put down what they're doing at that very moment when no one is actually reading it. "Sitting down!" "Pickin' up my soda!" It's pretty weird.

I think any day I don't have Science is boring. We always do something in Science. We're never just sitting down. Plus our teacher is practically gone for the first 5 minutes so we usually talk to each other until he appears out of nowhere.

I can't believe it's almost Wednesday. Late start tomorrow, that's pretty cool. I've been making a lot of jokes about how I'm blogging now. Kinda like when something funny happens I say "I'm gonna blog about this" Not that funny but whatever.

Well that satisfied my need of blogging. I guess I'm gonna go to bed now. Sianora.