Theater And Learning Do Not Mix

Today has been a great day. School was great even though I was insanely tired because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Everything was pretty normal today. Some people were superheros and I tried to be Wolverine. I put pencils on the back of my hand but eventually they came off, (stupid middle school tape), and I told everyone my claws had retracted forever.

But other than being annoyed by the terrible content of tape, I enjoyed today. Tomorrow is Team Color Day and the Merrow team has to wear white. I'm doing the whipped cream thing, where you have to find the gummy bears in the whipped cream. Dylan is in our class and he won last year so we're hoping he'll do it again. I get to miss maybe the last two blocks but I still should study for my Fahrenheit 451 test which I have been doing for a while now.

Oh, and I might be going to a concert, I'm not sure about the details but, a concert! WOOT!!1!

So yeah.

Things that bug me: Middle School Tape.
That our team leader thinks white is a color.