Not Tired

So it's almost midnight and I'm not tired. This is a problem because I really want to get to bed, but I can't. Ergh! <- Me expressing my anguish.

I went to Massachusetts today to see the family. My new cousin Madelyn was baptized so we went to see that. Then we had a bar-b-que at my cousin Jenny's house. It was pretty nice. I got to see everyone but, I don't see them a lot, so it doesn't seem like we're very close.

So today was fun. I slept on the way home which goes back to the problem of me still being awake. Why can't I sleep!?!?

Blah blah blah, more anguish.

I need to learn more adjectives.

Well there isn't really anything else to talk about, so I'm gonna try to get to bed. 'Night everyone.

Early Blog

Ok, so I wanted to make a post because so much has happened today, and I just really want to talk about it.

So first off, today was team color day, the final day of spirit week. Our team went all out with the "color"(white). What some people brought up is that, other colors have different shades, but white is kind of universal so we all looked really great. The assembly also was extremely amazing. Our school is so loud, but I think it was us eighth graders who were the icing on the cake. We had so much spirit, it was amazing. Mr. Beer was also hilarious. He practically led our team in everything. So today was pretty awesome.

I stayed after to work on my electric house with Grace and Mackenzie. Then we saw JJ, Chris, and Justin. JJ and Grace got married so that was interesting. Chris said I have to learn how to play basketball because Drew is leaving and they need tall people. I'll have to think about that one.

Oh, the epicness of this blog is about to come. Ready for this? You should sit down, or else you might have a heart attack and fall on the ground, hit your head, and pass out. Ok, hear it comes. On June 21st I'm going to a concert!!!! Whoever is still alive can read the rest of this, but it's ok if you died because I don't have anything else to say. So yeah. Later Y'all.

Things that bug me: People dying because of my blog.

Theater And Learning Do Not Mix

Today has been a great day. School was great even though I was insanely tired because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Everything was pretty normal today. Some people were superheros and I tried to be Wolverine. I put pencils on the back of my hand but eventually they came off, (stupid middle school tape), and I told everyone my claws had retracted forever.

But other than being annoyed by the terrible content of tape, I enjoyed today. Tomorrow is Team Color Day and the Merrow team has to wear white. I'm doing the whipped cream thing, where you have to find the gummy bears in the whipped cream. Dylan is in our class and he won last year so we're hoping he'll do it again. I get to miss maybe the last two blocks but I still should study for my Fahrenheit 451 test which I have been doing for a while now.

Oh, and I might be going to a concert, I'm not sure about the details but, a concert! WOOT!!1!

So yeah.

Things that bug me: Middle School Tape.
That our team leader thinks white is a color.

Chorus Concert

So I lied. I made a post today. But i can't resist. Blogging is like a disease that spreads, plus, I have nothing better to do.

So today was Decades Day and I was a hippie. That was pretty popular, except I'm in Spanish so all the Spanish taking kids went to Biddeford for Cinco De Mayo (I know it's late). Also I learned one of my friends is blogging too. , guess who it is.

I also stayed after school today to practice this whole Star Spangled Banner thing for Chorus, when we go to the Sea Dogs Baseball Game. That should be fun <-Sarcasm. I really cannot wait for high school. A bigger school, four classes a day, a theater class every other day, and more lunch time. It's all gonna be awesome.

I've narrowed my laptop choices to either the MacBook, or the Dell Inspiron 15. Now the Dell is cheaper and if I choose it, I'll have more money for school stuff. But, the MacBook comes with more programs which is more helpful in the school environment, but it's much more expensive.

I'm not sure, but I do want to rant a little about next year. We're losing about 6 amazing senior actors and I think a freshman and maybe a junior. Because of this, I'm pretty sure the plays and musicals will be run by Freshman or at least we'll be the majority. We have about 15 kids coming in for acting, plus we're adding Arundel so that should be a good group of actors. The plays are going to be so fun next year, I really cannot wait.

That was pretty much it. So yeah, bye.

Things that bug me: When you wear jeans and the part near the zipper comes up and it makes you look like you're turned on, when you really aren't. Especially when it happens in church and you don't notice.

Spirit Week

This is going to be a short post.

So this week is Spirit Week. It's been pretty awesome. I don't have much to talk about because it's late at night and I really don't wanna type much. So I think I won't make anymore posts for a while but by the end of the week I'll write a gigantic one, just to fill you guys in.

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this arousing post.

No, but seriously, if you're getting sexually excited over this post, see a doctor.


Now that I've gotten everyone's attention, I would like to start my blog. I bet you're all thinking, "Why hasn't Sam blogged in a few days?" or, "I sure do miss that Sam and his blogs," or even, "That piece of crap implied he would talk about Twilight!" Well I've been sick so I haven't gotten to my laptop.

So let me catch you up. I went to the High School play on Saturday and it was awesome. So hilarious. The people who really stood our were, I believe his name was Mike Sampson, and James Jelin, whose is a fellow blogger: Jelinface. The parts were practically made for those two. The play itself, (Don't Drink The Water <- play name), was awesome and had a great plot. I really enjoyed it.

Then today I was wicked tired and sick so I stayed in bed till 11. Then I went to eat with my aunt and mom. I then spent the day at my aunts with her tennant's daughter, who is 7 and insane. I can't believe a little kid could have so much energy. She also wasn't very good at pronunciation and said, "Tomorrow's Nanorial Day!" I tried not to laugh. It failed.

So I'm still sick and tired...of being, sick and tired. Clever Sam. Use songs in your blog, relate to your readers. Yeah, so I'm going to bed now. Goodbye, person who's reading this.

Oh and P.S. Edward is alive...I saw him in Hot least someone who looked like him, but then again everyone in Hot Topic looks like Edward.

Pretty Hot Day

Ok so today I went to school like always. I was wearing my snoopy shirt and people liked it. What was weird is that Ella said it looked like it said Hooters and then like 5 minutes later someone I passed in the hallway asked me if it said Hooters...I'm not exactly sure why people associate snoopy with Hooters but whatever.

I had super gym last block and we went outside to play baseball. I didn't fail at baseball, because I got on base but it was so freaking hot out. Like 90 degree weather. I was in left field and then ball came to me once in a while but it was still torture just standing there.

Tonight I went to see Night At The Museum: Battle At The Smithsonian, and it was pretty good. Ben Stiller's pretty funny, like his facial expressions and stuff. I find it weird how Robin Williams doesn't look older. Personally, I think he's a robot plotting to take over the world but no one believes me.

O.k well, it's like almost midnight so I thinking about going to bed now. Plus I have nothing else to talk about so. Until the next blog, I leave you in the dark about my life.

Intense Conversation With Abby

(I surprised myself with how mean I was)

[22:48] Me: abbilicious
[22:48] Me: that's you're new nickname
[22:48] Abby: hello!
[22:48] Abby: hahaha
[22:48] Abby: its nice
[22:48] Me: its better than chinese face
[22:50] Me: but your face is rather flatish
[22:50] Me: not that it's a bad thing
[22:50] Me: you drinks on it...?
[22:50] Me: see! you'd be a hoot at bars!
[22:51] Me: coming to a alcoholic hangout near you
[22:52] Me: aren't you gonna get mad?
[22:52] Me: so i can say anything cuz you're not watching your screen
[22:52] Me: abby you're stupid!
[22:52] Me: no one likes you!
[22:53] Me: you were the result of a defective condom!
[22:53] Me: see i can be pretty harsh
[22:54] Abby: YOURE A JERK i was writing an english essay
[22:54] Abby: hahahahahaha
[22:54] Me: well continue your writing im gonna jet
[22:54] Abby: you just think i'm hot
[22:55] Me: i know
[22:55] Abby: and youre trying to cover it up
[22:55] Me: so attractive
[22:55] Me: i look at my math teacher and wish it was you
[22:55] Abby: knew it
[22:55] Me: i see your face on every ugly baby i see
[22:55] Me:
[22:55] Abby: you only are mean because you like me
[22:55] Abby: and think im really hot
[22:55] Me: haha
[22:55] Me: totally
[22:55] Abby: im onto you
[22:55] Abby: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[22:55] Me: believe what you wish
[22:56] Me: but they wont come true because jesus neever loved you
[22:56] Me: i'm sorry
[22:56] Me: wow...i surprised myself there
[22:56] Me: i didnt mean all that
[22:56] Me: wel...the ugly baby part i did
[22:56] Me: but other than that
[22:57] Me: continue your essay oh great and inspirational Abby!

Kinda FuN

So today wasn't as boring as other days. Apparently rolled up long sleeve shirts don't count as short sleeve shirts. I gotta write two paragraphs about songs in the 1950's tonight so that should be fun...

It was a pretty good day. Plenty of sexual jokes and hilarious comebacks. I consider it a full day. I also got a Snoopy shirt that says "Keep on Rockin'" so that's pretty cool.

I've decided that I'm going to write a speech for 8th grade graduation. I don't want it to be boring, y'know, I'm gonna spice it up.

No Math tomorrow so that's awesome. And yeah...nothing really interesting has happened lately so....yeah. As soon as something does I'm gonna blog about it.

The Fray: Hundred

Hey everyone. I am currently listening to Hundred by The Fray. I really suggest people to listen to it. The beginning sounds kinda hotel-lobbyish but y'know it still sounds good. I really like all their songs. I've got like 22 of their songs and all of them are awesome. A lot of people like techno or hard rock. I kinda prefer the simple instruments like piano, guitar, and drums in a song. I don't really understand synthesisers and other "instruments" like that.

Today, again was really boring. Nothing is really happening in school anymore. There aren't any big projects or anything. It's pretty simple.

Well...that's basically it. Bye I guess.

I Just Wanna BLOG!

So the motive of this blog is that I am bored. I'm bored like a television at a truck convention. See now, you can't understand that, because, at this point of boredom things that don't make sense to me suddenly do. Therefore, you think I'm crazy when I'm actually bored. Joogily Goop.

I just have nothing else to do, so I felt like saying it. I feel like a twitter-freak. Y'know, the guys who just put down what they're doing at that very moment when no one is actually reading it. "Sitting down!" "Pickin' up my soda!" It's pretty weird.

I think any day I don't have Science is boring. We always do something in Science. We're never just sitting down. Plus our teacher is practically gone for the first 5 minutes so we usually talk to each other until he appears out of nowhere.

I can't believe it's almost Wednesday. Late start tomorrow, that's pretty cool. I've been making a lot of jokes about how I'm blogging now. Kinda like when something funny happens I say "I'm gonna blog about this" Not that funny but whatever.

Well that satisfied my need of blogging. I guess I'm gonna go to bed now. Sianora.

Again, Boring

So today was kinda fun. It was really boring though. I'm not sure why.

My dad left this morning on like a trip to Washington for work or something, I don't know.

School started and the bus ride was stupid. History, we had a substitute so we did a worksheet that I still have to finish. Then Math was o.k. Then Advisory where I studied my vocab words for an LA test later that day. I then had split block Chorus and we're singing Seasons of Love from Rent, and thats pretty cool. Then, at lunch there was this girl who is like a piano prodigy, but as soon as she left I went up and started playing songs people actually know instead of the old crappy songs she was playing. It was kinda neat.

So yeah there wasn't much that went on today so this'll be a short post. Tomorrow's late-start Wednesday so I'll be able to sleep tonight. O.k. Later everyone.

Wow, Nothing Happened

Today was one of the "lay-lowest" days of my life. I got up and went to school as I always do and then went to History class. We basically colored a map and watched an episode of M-A-S-H because it's "education" but I think that's a lie. Then Math wasn't very special. Then there was Theater Ensemble which was fun as always. Then Science: Boring, Spanish: Super Boring, and finally Chorus: Captain Boring: Destroyer of people's fun. So it was guessed it, boring day.

I talked to Will about the band idea but apparently he already agreed to a band with some of his friends I'm not gonna use names so I'll substitute letters: Sick, Sace, and Srian. Yeah lets see them make music. So I missed the opportunity to have a great guitarist. We'll just see if his band really does happen, he'll come crawling back to me. Speaking of music, I'm trying to write a song. What's weird is that this actually working, unlike previous songs that ended up in the trash before a melody was even made a.k.a, "The Mackenzie Anthem" <- people call it that.

So it was a boring day and kinda stupid. Me and the person who likes me talked a little bit and i think she'll be o.k. At least I hope so. I think I'm gonna wear my Elmo shirt tomorrow to give everyone a little laugh. As of now on this boring day, Hasta La Vista!

Today Was Boring

So as I said in my last blog, Alyssa came over. We basically hung out in my room watching hilarious videos on youtube which consisted of people with abnormally stretchy mouths putting cans in their mouths. I know it sounds weird but they were so funny. I also introduced the idea of a band to her and she thought it sounded good. Now I have to ask Will about it and see if we could all get together one day. It could work.

So other than trying to obtain musical talent I basically had a really boring day. I went to church and then we picked up Alyssa. I guess church was interesting. Being a catholic is kinda demanding. I'm not very religious and I'm at an age where I'm starting to question all the ideas and thoughts about God. I guess when you're a little kid, you believe everything everyone tells you so I'm starting to have my own thoughts about religion. My mother is a die hard catholic so she isn't very happy that I'm questioning God, but really, there is no "right" religion.

Other than that the whole situation with the friend hasn't changed much. Alyssa talked to me about it and it kinda helped. We also played piano and she tried playing guitar. Whats weird is that she had no idea what she was doing and it actually didn't sound half bad. I taught her how to play Viva La Vida by Coldplay on piano and she is a much better student than my friend Ben. I tried to teach him and he's still messing up. I think it's because Alyssa actually plays piano so she picked it up quicker.

Tomorrow's Monday so, school again. I'm not sure if I had homework so I'll just use Facebook to ask people.

That was pretty much my Sunday.

blahhh blahhh te amo!!!!!!! stupick!

sam goes on bad websites.....yes he does.....................!!!!!!!!!!! im sitting at sams house right now and my mom is out in the living room and i dont even know why she is here.......watever sam......yes i know i am stupick!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha aka stupid..............blahhh blahhhh blahhhhh blahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMUEL MICHAEL HICKSON IS MY BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not really)
u sooooo have swine flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and u need ear plugs to sleep!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha im sooo mean!!!!!!!!!!! oink oink oink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blahhhh blahhhhh i gtg......¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡mis padres en tĂș casa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! te amo!!!!!!!!

FiRsT bLoG

O.k, so this is officially my new blogging spot for specialty blogs. The whole sexybeast thing sounds weird so now I'm just Sam Hickson: blogger extraordinaire.
So lets get this started. Today was the final performance of Grease and personally I felt it went well, besides the fact that Greased Lightning wouldn't come out from backstage because apparently you have to turn the key in the car to get the wheel to turn....but I digress. People took so many pictures backstage and it was awesome. It was that kind of feeling you get when you have all your friends around you and you're having such a great time you don't want it to end. At the end of the cast party, it felt like I wouldn't see any of my friends again, seeing as we had spent nearly a month and a half after school for 2 hours a day, sometimes even more. In one word it was, Awesome.

I know this is way off topic but, about 2 weeks ago I made a promise to myself I wouldn't start liking anyone or go out with anyone for a while, because my last relationship was hard to get out of, seeing as i liked her for a while. I figured out that I only liked the relationship not the person as much. We had gone out for about 7 months so when we broke up I felt like I was missing something. But, I got over it and made that promise I last spoke of. Now, one of my really good friends likes me and I had to tell her that I made that promise. (It's not that I don't like her as a friend, because we're amazing friends, I just really don't wanna get in relationship right now). What a predicament.

Highschool is coming up quick. I feel scared and enthused at the same time. I really wanna go to highschool because it seems like it'll be fun, not like the learning, just the school and experience itself. I want to get a bag that goes around my shoulder or something because we don't really use lockers and I don't want to lug around a giant backpack all day. Kinda like a the most manliest way you can imagine. I also cannot wait for the new laptops we are getting. Apparently they're the new macbooks so I'm stoked. I wanted to get my own but I'm glad the mayor decided to give our school laptops.

Oh and Alyssa's coming over tomorrow. I think I'm gonna talk to her about the relationship thing because I'm in a slump. She can probably help me through it. I also wanna introduce the idea of a band to her. She did the drums for Grease and she was amazing. I can play piano and sing somewhat, and my friend Will plays the guitar and he's awesome at it. I really think we could start something. I've got some ideas for songs so it may work out.

Well this has been a long blog. I never realized how cool this was. Later peoples.