27 'What if...'

Basically I'm exhausted and procrastinating English homework.


What if the girl you've liked for years on end, ended up being the exact opposite of what you thought she was.

What if the girl you've liked for months on end, ended up being a lying and conniving whore who only cared about herself.

What if the girl you've liked for days on end, ended up falling for someone else and you never got the courage to tell her how you really felt.

What if the girl you've liked for hours on end, ended up being the biggest flirt in the entire school and only pretended to like you to get to your friend.

What if the girl you've liked for minutes on end, ended up being a jerk who wanted you, just to say she had a boyfriend.

And what if . . . the girl you always knew as your best friend, the girl you actually enjoyed spending time with, ended up being the one.

21 'New Start'

I was reading some of my older posts and learned I never really introduced this blog. So, I decided to take this time to explain what this is all about.

You might want to sit down.

I never really wanted a blog because I never understood the purpose. I kind of criticized the stereotype blogger because I personally failed to figure out what blogs are all about.

Now I have one.

You may call it irony, I call it greatness.

Blogging may not mean much to other people out in the world, but as I'm typing these words, I really feel like I can say anything without being criticized.

Sound familiar? It should.

It's almost as if I have complete control of my life as I blog, and at any other moment I'm just admiring the world from a stranger's point of view. Honestly, it's kinda neat.

I can talk about anything here, whether it be my personal problems or just random ideas that pop into my head, which happens frequently.

You may not gain anything from my blog. Then again, you may become smarterer enlightened.

You can decide.

- sam

October 20th 'Lurrrve'

So I'm pretty sure I haven't liked anyone in forever.

I have a feeling that is going to change because usually things like 'lurrrve' happen that way.

One moment you're talking to friends and then suddenly someone just catches your eye. It's odd, I don't like it.

See this is why God didn't date. He would crucify them before the entree was even brought to the table. I just don't understand.

I have a funny feeling that we, as people, aren't supposed to understand love, but there are kids in our school who 'love' each other. It's strange because one moment they're friends then suddenly they're having sex in a broom closet.

And no one wants a broom-baby

The word 'love' confuses me too. So many kids in Middle School used it, guilty as charged. I mean, it's ok to say it if you're with friends like, "You know you love me." But really, when we're in Middle School and High School, do we know what 'love' means?

I sure don't.


So guess what's coming up? Homecoming!!
Guess what answer I gave away in the title of this blog? That one!!!
But seriously, homecoming is tomorrow and I'm really excited. It is no 12:12 at night and I am exhausted. I had just finished a Google Groups question for Mrs. Frizzell with 15 minutes left to spare before it was due at midnight. But anyways, back to homecoming!! Me and Colby talked about it in our Study Hall today. We really hope we don't get disappointed because every freshman is really psyched. Well, at least the people I know.

I haven't exactly been blogging in a while, but I will be better about that.

Oh! Book Alert! I got two books from the library; Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen and Into Thin Air by John Krakauer. I heard about Water For Elephants in my English class because Carinn read it for our free book choice assignment. Into Thin Air was mentioned by Mr. Dupuis and it's about a man who climbs Mount. Everest with a team of people. It sounds interesting to me.

I'm planning on finishing those books soon. Until then, Sianora!