16 'Post title'

My wedding song is going to be What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. I like it.

Anyhoo, umm so a lot is happening. Well basically one humungasaurus thing. So Alyssa and Nick broke up but I'll try to leave that out. And wait, I can't tell you about this or else Alyssa would be embarrassed.

I'm gonna do it anyways.

No I won't.


So all in all, Alyssa is kinda sorta finally agreeing to the band idea!!!!!!!! She thinks we both know enough instruments between the two of us. ANDDDDD I HAVE AN EPIC WAY OF DOING IT! VIDEOSONGS!!! So my current favoritastic bands/singers, Pomplamoose and Julia Nunes, both do them and they seem simple. Just a lot of editing. But I swear, Alyssa and I could totes magotes do it!!!! Oh, and she agreed on taking IB Music Junior and Senior year with me, if she has space for it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEK, I'm fracking excited!

This calls for a smiley face. Preferably an open mouthed one. :D

12 'We're not children'

We don't have to lip-sync and dance to every song that's going on onstage while we're backstage. And no matter how much you do it, I won't give you the satisfaction of acknowledging it.

8 'Hey babe'

That was a pretty attractive title, huh? I thought so. Scandalous!

SooOoOoOo, play practice is becoming increasingly better. It's fun because people actually talk to me now. A senior, Ian, taught Grace, Avery, and I a 'comfy handshake'. It was pretty cool. You like, interlock your fingers and they fit perfectly. It wuzz purtyy comfay!

Cool Sam. Just go ahead and type like that.

I'm writing a play presentation for Theatre (english accent) and it's on Waiting For Godot. Thank sweet baby Jesus for Sparknotes.

That's it.

7 'Science lab!!!'

I got a 96 on that lab I was worried about!! Hooray!

7 'Pissed like a pissed off person'

Hey ya'll!

I was in a variety show today. It was at the town hall and I sang Heartless with muh guitar. I thought it was pretty intense and many a person liked it. I consider it a job well done.

On an angry note, I'm pissed off. Why are you pissed off? Because, people are inconsiderate. I went to the variety show with Grace and Avery because they were also in it. Grace went about 9th and Avery and I were after the intermission. They were both phenomenal and we all let each other know how good we all did. It was a happy moment, until...

Someone, a friend who will remain nameless, came up to us during intermission with some other friends. They were all saying we did great. Yet, that certain someone said, "Yeah Grace, you did good." Good? Good?! She was amazing. This bothered Grace and Avery because even if someone DIDN'T do good, you should still congratulate them. But Grace did simply fantastic so she deserved the maximum amount of credit she could possibly get. It's like, I'd like to see 'you' get up there and sing in front of an audience full of people from the town that 'you' see, at least once a week.

Maybe some people just can't let anyone else have the glory. Or perhaps I'm thinking about it too much.

Exciting, right?

4 'Damn'

I missed 11:11.

Fun Fact: I haven't wished on 11:11 since 7th grade.

4 'Let me tell sumtin' to choo'

So hey. Let's just get down to the facts.

I watched Happy Feet today. Well, not the entire movie, just the part where Mumble goes back to the penguins with his mexican friends and they all sing 'Boogey Wonderland'. That's an amazing part I must admit. Mumble and Gloria are so made for each other. I got the chills when they were all dancing together but we'll get to that later. First off, I'd like to share some problems I had with this 15 minute scene.

1. Why is the head penguin a religious scotsman?
2. Why does Mumble not look like the rest of them?
Q. How does the head penguin get from that ice bridgey-thing to where Mumble is dancing so fast?
4. Why does Gloria twitch and randomly squeak-sing after Mumble tells her to, "Sing to this!"

These things bothered me. Yet, it was all made better by the fact that I learned Robin Williams played one of the Mexican penguins saying, "Let me tell sumtin' to choo!" Also, I swear the guy who voices Sheen from Jimmy Neutron was another one of the penguins.

Anyways, it was a fun day. These entries seem like I done two entries in one day. But don't fret, I'm not a sexilicious beast with no life. I have a life. It's just, last night I was up late so it was technically today, if you can wrap your mind around that boggler.

That's it for this entry, tune in tomorrow when I have even more to discuss!

But that's cool if you have plans and stuff. Whatever. (READ MY BLOG)

4 'Oh, how silly of me'

I realized something. My last post said 'New Year' when it's the beginning of March. Usually the new year comes in January. Hmmm, I sense a problem, yes?

Well I went to school today


And was not proud of my science lab.

*the opposite of applause*

It's not that I didn't like my final concluding thoughts, it's just that the lab in general sucked. Let me paint a picture for you. It was about 2 a.m on Wednesday morning and I hadn't gotten to sleep yet. I do this thing where when I have homework I don't do it until everyone is asleep. And even then when it's late, I just don't want to start it. Once I start it however, it gets done lickity split.

Anyways, at 2 a.m I had just finished a project on A Long Way Gone that was supposed to be due Monday and I still had to do my lab. Wait, it was probably 4 a.m by the time I finished the project. Either way, it was early (late)((early)) and I hadn't gotten my lab done yet. Now, I could've gotten it done and easily could've done an excellent job but I was tired. "Just do it at lunch," the voice inside my head said. btdubs, my inner voice is an idiot.

So at lunch time, I finished the lab but it looked awful. Since last quarter I had a 67 and brought it up to an 85 in Science, I've been kicking it into high-gear for 3rd quarter. I have a 98 in Science right now and that last lab was definitely nothing above a 90. Hopefully this doesn't hurt me too much.

I have this tendency to mess things up while they're going impeccably well. Whether it be the many zeros for google group questions, that I received in English that brought me down many number grades at a time. Or my positively fantastic trait to make any amazing situation awkward. "Good sarcasm!" Thanks.

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't awkward at the times that I am. Or, at least I could be a more reserved awkward person. For instance, when I meet a new person, usually someone my age, I try to be funny and get them to laugh. I do this because I feel that laughing is something everyone can 'relate' to and also that it's an excellent ice breaker. But recently I've run into some people who did not find me amusing and it became awkward quickly. If only my personality allowed me to, when I meet someone, be slightly quiet and shy, like the average person. That way people aren't, dare I say threatened, by me?

I'm not sure. I'll think about it for a while. Right now, I should get to bed. Buenas noches, mis amigos.


Mmmskkmmmskkmmmskk <--- dancee club beat!

Oh Lordy!!!! It's been so long since I've posted an entry on here. I honestly cannot write everything that has happened so far in High School. It would be too much for my little wittle heart to handle.

Plus I have work to do so, blehhh.

Life's been positively fantastic!!! I'm totally lurving high school in an unexplainable way.

The play is going really well too. It's called Brigadoon. There's a song in it where all the guys sing and it's all like, "Gooooo and stop him. STOP HIM! Gooooo and stop him. STOP HIM!"

Like I said, fan-tas-tic.

2 'How long has it been?'

Hi Blogspot.

Yeah, I haven't been here in a while.

I know, I know. Honestly, I've been busy.

Tumblr? Nooo, I haven't used Tumb-

You saw...?
