It's been a while

I bet a lot of you are thinking, "What is this new setting? Why do the colors clash? and why am I enjoying this feeling of change?"

Well I haven't blogged in a while so I decided I should change the look of my blog just cause it looked kinda bland. Kinda like vanilla ice cream.

So much has happened and I really don't feel like typing it all but i have the feeling millions of people are out there listening to my life so I might as well tell them about it.

So I went to Vaughn Island and it was awesome. The only crappy part was the rain. We had a terrible week weather-wise, but for some reason it never got us down. The last day there was absolutely no rain which made it amazing. I even got a sunburn! I know, right?

Next was this Tennis Camp in Hanover, New Hampshire which, for me, was a lot of fun. I went the same week as my friends Will and Matt,so I knew at least two people. For some reason, this year, it was easier to meet new people. Maybe it's just because of my bubbly personality. I just find it exciting to talk to a new person because they usually end up being so different from your normal (and I use that term loosely) friends. There was this kid who had been going for the same amount of years that I had and we talked more this year than any other time. His name was Chris and for some reason he would always walk into Matt and I's dorm room randomly. THe last night, the counselors don't care if you stay up past 10:30, so Chris came into our room. We then cleverly found phone numbers on random products like shampoo, toothpast, and fan companies. And we called them (of course). I had the number for the company, Switch so we called that first. I left a message as Borat and said, "My name is a-Borat. I come-a from the country Kahzakstan and I love your soda. It make me happy and fuel-a da sexy time eh?"
*This next part has vulgar language so I'll replace the F-word with "orange juice".*
So then out of nowhere Matt randomly says, in the background, " I love your soda so much, I just wanna ORANGE JUICE it!!"
So by then me and Chris are both dying laughing and even Matt can't believe what he said. I was an amazing week.

Oh and two days ago I went to the fireworks in Sanford with Mackenzie. So, her dad is the fire cheif in Sanford and 15 minutes into the fireworks her gets a call saying lightning just struck un garaje.<- Spanish

To make this story shorter, lets just say I got to see a fire and firemen actually putting it out, and it was pretty cool. So much better than fireworks.

So yeah that's basically been my Summer so far. Theres still quite a ways to go. It should be awesome. Sophie wants to start a vlog and I'm going to be buying a computer for my room soon so BA-BAM! Instant VLOG! Hope you enjoyed reading this. I'll try to be more frequent with my blogs.

P.S. Whoever heard that message at the Switch company should know that it was an innocent prank and we apologize, especially for Matthews behavior and choice of words. But if you did hear should comment this blog and tell me if you laughed at it too. :D